Tuesday, July 17, 2012

'Per-location' view settings in SharePoint 2010

You may be wondering what 'Per-location' view settings does in SharePoint 2010 as it is not very obvious. As for general views there is nothing to select.

But things change when you start adding folders in the list. Now you have something to change. If you are wondering where this goes your guess is correct. You can add or remove views that are available to specific folders.

Also you can configure available views for any node in metadata navigation. For more details please refer to good blog in the url http://blog.vossers.com/2009/12/27/per-location-view-settings-in-sharepoint-2010-views-per-content-type/. I learnt about it from the aforementioned url

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Creating alerts only on a part of items in a document library

Normally alerts are created for all items in  a document library. If you like to create an alert that notifies you on changes related to part of items then create a view that includes only those documents (shown below).

If a metadata column needs to be added to the content type or document library go ahead with it and use it as filter for the view.
Now you will get alerts only on items that are filtered in the view.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Difference between Master Pages, Page Layouts and Content Type

Master Pages are used by all pages in the site and used specify the common elements that all pages in the site should have. The Master Page is nothing but a text file with .master extension. The key is Master Pages is used across all the pages in the site. In SharePoint every page need to have Master Page. By default SharePoint specify default.master as the Master Page. So whether you like it or not a page in SharePoint will have a Master page (even if you do not specify one).

The Page Layout is specifically used in the SharePoint Publishing Site. A page layout is a file with aspx extension. A page layout also will be associated with a master page and inherits elements from Master Page. A SharePoint publishing site will have Pages document library where the items contain the content of the page. Each page will have a content type and columns in the content type will be used to create the content of the page. The item in the pages document library will be associated with a content type (for contents) and page layout(to specify the layout).

Hope the above makes things clear.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

SharePoint Audience Targeting - In simple words

Sharepoint list items or documents can be made to appear(also known as targeting) only to specific people or group. The specific people or group are known as Audiences.

Audience targeting does not change the permission of the list item or documents. It only affects whether it is visible to a group of users or not.

Audience targeting can be used in the following three cases.
1.list items or document in SharePoint List or Document library
2.Web Parts
3.Navigation Links.

You start by selecting 'Enable Audience Targeting' in the Audience Targeting Settings of a list.After that when you create new item or edit an existing item a people picker field (titled 'Target Audiences') will appear and any user with Author access can specify Target Audience.

The target audience can be specified in a web part under 'Advanced' configuration options. A people picker field is available to select the users.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Outlook 2007 integration with SharePoint 2010

From SharePoint 2010 document library you can select 'Connect to Outlook' to sync with outlook. SharePoint 2010 and Outlook 2010 both use the Ribbon - the standard UI used across the Microsoft Office Products.
Once you synchrnoize a document library from SharePoint it appears as a folder in the Outlook navigation Pane under SharePoint Lists. You can edit the documents off-line in outlook and synchronize back to SharePoint.
Synchronized content in Outlook is kept only in read only mode and so cannot be deleted from SharePoint by deleting from the local copy. You can synchronize SharePoint Task List.
But Out of the box SharePoint Lists cannot be viewed from Outlook. The option 'Connect to Outlook' is not selectable and appear in grey for OOTB SharePoint Lists. RSS feeds,Contacts and Calendars can be synchornized between SharePoint and Outlook.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Obvious Difference between list and document library

One obvious difference is that when you are in list the new item will appear as choice in the 'Items' ribbon. In case of document library 'New Document' will appear as choice. The option 'Upload Document' is only available to the document library and it is not available to a list.

What are the differences between Tags, Notes in SharePoint and I like It and what is magical about them?

Tags is one of the social media tool.Tags help you remember the links and classify the selected item in a category. You select an item and click either on 'Tags' or 'I like It' and enter Tag and click on Save button. Tags then Post to tag cloud and appear in the 'Tag and Notes' tab of your SharePoint profile(in My Site).  It is upto individual to tag an item and so it is personal and individual specific. Tags work across different SharePoint Sites that you work with.
'I like It' is a special tag that tags the links with 'I like It'. 'I like It' also post to the tag clouds in the 'Tag and Notes' tab of your SharePoint Profile. Tags can also be private.
Notes are  public comments that post to the news feed. It also work across different sites.

How to use Boolean Operators in SharePoint / FAST search

The implicipt boolean operator between words in SharePoint or FAST search is AND. For example cancer biomedical will be converted to search query 'cancer AND biomedical'. Also the boolean operator is case-sensitive. Only uppercase operator will work correctly. For example 'cancer and biomedical' will not search for both cancer and biomedical. Only 'Cancer AND biomedical' will search for both cancer and biomedical.
Also the keyword ContentType can be used to search only within items that have the specific content type. For example "ContentType:'cancer' biomedical" will search for biomedical only within items that have the content type 'cancer'.

Difference between Attach File and Upload File in SharePoint List

While trying to work on fields with type 'Publishing HTML' or 'Multiple Lines of Text' in a list you may notice two options 'Attach File' and 'Upload File'. Attach File will be used to add the attachment to List. Upload File is not used to add the attachment to the item in the list that you are working on. Instead it is used to upload file to document library. Knowing the difference between the two helps in adding the attachments.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Versioning in SharePoint List

In SharePoint list Versioning can be enabled if you like to preserve the changes. The versioning option can be accessed for SharePoint 2010 using 'List > List Settings > General Settings > Versioning Settings'.
You can specify whether to create version each time you edit an item in this list. Optionally you can limit the number of versions to retain and specify a number.

Problem ( A look-up field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again. ) with uploading documents to SharePoint Document Library.

When you upload a document to Document libary you may get an error message 'Invalid look-up value. A look-up field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again.'

This indicates a problem with document properties. You can fix this by using 'Document Inspector' in MS Office 2007(Word, PowerPoint or Excel). The document inspector can be accessed using 'Home>Prepare>Insepect Document'.

In the 'Document Inspector' window select the option 'Remove All' to clear the document properties.

Now save and upload the document again and you may not receive the error message ('Invalid look-up value. A look-up field contains invalid data. Please check the value and try again.')

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reusable Content for use in Publishing HTML field in SharePoint

Reusable HTML template can be created by SharePoint Administrators and make them available to users to provide consistency while creating content in Publishing HTML field.

'Reusable Content' can be created by adding new items in the 'Reusable Content' list. The items in the 'Reusable Content' list  are available as choices under 'Reusable Content' action that can be accessed from 'Editing Tools>Insert' tab.

You can deselect the ‘Automatic Update’ option for ‘Reusable Content’ so that the inserted content is not ‘Read-Only’ and can be updated.